Community Policing

The Park Ridge Police Department is committed to a Community Policing Philosophy to deter and prevent crime, to encourage and promote safety, and to educate and enlighten our community through awareness campaigns, teachings, and seminars. Any comments, suggestions, or inquiries can be directed to Lieutenant James Babcock at 201-391-5401 ext. 5239 or [email protected]

Some of the areas that we are involved with are:

Burglar Alarm Registration

Bicycle Safety, Registration and Inspection

C.E.R.T - The Community Emergency Response Team helps to train residents to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in our community. When emergencies occur, CERT members can offer vital support to police, fire, and other emergency responders in giving immediate assistance to victims and to help organize volunteers at a critical scene.

Crime Prevention Seminars: Are offered to many local community groups to increase awareness about how NOT to become a victim of a crime. Some of the topics discussed include Identity Theft, Scams, Internet, and Flim-Flam artists, Mail Fraud, home protection, alarms, telephone solicitation, and other areas. Residents are encouraged to contact the police immediately if they see or hear anything suspicious or if they feel they have been victimized.

DARE Instruction

Home Security Surveys: Are available to all residents if they would like an officer to visit their home and conduct a security inspection. Suggestions will be made to the homeowner on how to better safeguard their home from intruders and to make areas safer for the occupants.

House Number Compliance: This enables responding emergency personnel to quickly provide emergency services to those in need.

Police Station Tours: Can be arranged for local groups by contacting Lieutenant James Babcock at [email protected].

Store Checks: The police conduct nightly store checks of local businesses to discover and deter any suspicious activity. If a business premise is found to be insecure or an obvious problem is visible, the owner will be contacted to respond. All business owners are encouraged to provide police with up to date emergency contact persons and their phone numbers.

SwiftReach Program: Our Emergency Notification System is designed to inform residents of any critical news that needs to get out within minutes via telephone. The tremendous response of residents to participate in this program has been greatly enhanced by the volunteer work of our local Boy Scouts led by Eagle Scout applicant Stephen Nagel. Great Job! Residents may also register by going to and click on the SwiftReach 911 icon at the bottom of the page.

Vacation/Vacant Home Checks: If you are going out of town on vacation and would like your house checked, a Vacant Home card can be filled out at our headquarters. The police department will conduct a visual check of the exterior of your home.